The angle drawn at the point of incidence ( intersection of) a reflected ray and the normal line perpendicular to the reflecting surface. 中义光线在物体表面的投射点上反射出来的光线与物体表面垂直法线所夹的角度。
At this point it was necessary to evaluate the normal pattern of loading to be applied to the model for different angles of incidence of the wind. 这里,必须评定在风的不同入射角时施加于模型的荷载的正常型态。
Black point of wheat existed widely, but different varieties ( strains) varied in its incidence. 小麦黑胚病普遍发生,不同品种(品系)有差异。
The primary end point of the study was the cumulative incidence of death, stroke, or myocardial infarction within 30 days after the surgical intervention, or death or ipsilateral stroke between 31 days and 6 months. 82例为CAS组。初级终点设定为术后30d内发生卒中、死亡或心血管意外,或随访6个月内的同侧卒中或死亡;
The method uses three parameters of seismic wave field attributes: the emerged angle α of zero-offset ray emerging to surface, wavefront curvature radiuses of Normal wave emerging to surface and Normal Incidence Point wave to describe relationship between reflector and travel time. 该法利用出射到地表的零炮检距射线的出射角α、出射到地表的Normal波和NormalIncidencePoint波的波前曲率半径三个地震波场属性参数描述反射界面与走时的关系。
The optimum incidence point of the antisubmarine torpedo and its incidence bearing both are discussed theoretically on basis of considering the features of torpedo antisubmarine. 本文在充分考虑空投鱼雷反潜特点基础上,分两种情况从理论上探讨了反潜鱼雷最佳入水位置和投雷入水方位。
According to Fermat principle and variations, the differential equations of ray path have been strictly deduced and solved, and the ray path of any incident directions at any point of incidence can be calculated accurately. 本文依据费马原理结合变分法,对柱面分层介质中的射线方程进行了严格推导和求解,实现了对任意角度入射到柱面上任意点的电磁波轨迹的精确计算。
At the same time, choosing appropriate puncture needle and point is of benefit to diagnostic accuracy and in reducing the incidence of complication. 选择合适的穿刺针及穿刺点有助于提高穿刺诊断率,降低并发症的发生。
Ankylosing Spondylitis ( AS) is a kind of systemic disease mainly with chronic inflammation of middle axle joint and the bony attachment point of tendon and ligament, with very low incidence, easily diagnosed as other diseases by mistake in clinic. 强直性脊柱炎(AS)是一种以中轴关节和肌腱韧带骨附着点的慢性炎症为主的全身性疾病,发病率极低,临床上极易误诊为其他疾病。
When P wave incidents, The P-P wave and P-SV wave created from the same point are both functions of incidence angle, and of the media above and below the interface, V p and V s they are coupled. 在P波入射时,地下同一点产生的PP波和PSV波是入射角、界面两侧纵波阻抗和横波阻抗的函数,并且两者是耦合的。
Methods At the time-point of April 20,2002, histories of all 1082 in-patients were investigated to statistically analyze the mean and incidence. 方法以2002年4月20日为时点调查日,对所有住院精神病患者(共1082例)的病史进行均数和发生率统计分析。
The key point to prevent delitescence delay is to emphasize the monitoring and treatment of delitescence so as to reduce the incidence of dystocia. 重视对潜伏期的观察及处理是预防潜伏期延长的关键,从而可减少难产的发生率。
Objective To verify the optimal cut off point for overweight and obesity in Chinese adults based on the relationship of body mass index ( BMI) to all cause mortality and incidence of coronary heart disease ( CHD) and stroke from pooled data of Chinese cohorts. 目的分析我国成人队列基线体重指数(BMI)和随访期间总死亡率以及心血管病发病率的关系,为超重和肥胖的切点提供验证。
The equilibrium point has accurately distinguished the difference of incidence of catastrophic health expenditure and use of health service between the residents before and after it. 交点敏感、准确地区分出了前后组由于居民收支结余的不同带来的灾难性卫生支出发生率、卫生服务可及性和健康公平的差异。
Objective: At present, from a global point of view, the incidence of colorectal cancer ranks third, behind only lung cancer and gastric cancer. 背景概述:在当前,从全球上看,大肠癌的发病率居第三位,仅次于月市癌和胃癌。
From the point of view of public finance, tax compliance reflects the notions of equity, efficiency and incidence. 从公共财政的角度看,纳税人是否及时准确纳税体现着公平、效率及税收归宿等一系列问题。